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  • Beth Rose, Co-Founder

“Winning at All Costs: Breaking the Silence of Athletes and Eating Disorders” – A Film on the Move

In a world filled with compelling stories, the documentary “Winning at All Costs: Breaking the Silence on Athletes and Eating Disorders” is rapidly gaining momentum through innovative ways of engaging with its powerful message. The film, produced by the Alaska Eating Disorders with Executive Producer Holly Brooks, addresses the often-neglected issue of eating disorders in student athletes, and is now being shown in new venues, including on Alaska Airlines and in the Mat-Su community.

Watch While Flying – AKEDA partners with Alaska Airlines

We’re thrilled that Alaska Airlines recognizes the importance of adding engaging content on their in-flight entertainment system that has the capacity to create positive impact and spark crucial conversations. Now through January 30, 2024, you can watch the the film for free on Alaska Airlines flights – just search for Winning at All Costs. This initiative is particularly significant for rural Alaskan health school athletes who frequently take to the skies to get to their matches and competitions. For them, in-flight entertainment offers a unique platform to gain insight into struggles they may be encountering.

Many thanks to Alaska Airlines for supporting this film. We hope you’ll watch on your next flight!

Community Viewing Event in Palmer

Fueled by a Mat-Su group of visionaries and volunteers, AKEDA showed the Winning at All Costs at the Glenn Massey Theater in Palmer on September 12, with sponsorship from the Mat-Su Health Foundation. The evening featured a live panel presentation featuring individuals with deep roots in the Mat Su Valley, making it a truly community-driven initiative. The event served as a catalyst for dialogue and engagement, bringing together people to address the pressing issue of eating disorders in young athletes.

Special thanks to our Mat-Su crew who helped provide the planning, local connections and “boots on the ground” for this event – Gabrielle Harris, Raina Pasiewicz, Mallory Reeves, and Heather English. And of course, we couldn’t have done it without our panel speakers – including Nurse Practitioner Megan Volkov, dietitian Grace Schumacher, former D1 diver and diving coach Vincent English, and student Mina Hancock.

Discussion Guide and Student Resource Handout

The impact of the documentary extends beyond the screen. We know that the conversations it sparks is what can be the real catalyst for change. Thanks to a collaboration with the Community Engaged Student Assistant (CESA) program at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), a Discussion Guide and Student Resource Handout have been developed. The Discussion Guide helps caring adults facilitate meaningful conversations with athletes about the central themes of the film. By equipping adults with the right materials, we aim to ensure that more athletes are able to watch the film and gain guidance and assistance. The Student Handout provides resources to help students who recognize that they need help, or who want to learn more.

Thanks to UAA Professor’s Hattie Harvey and Tim Jester who helped connect us with the CESA program, and to Masters’ level social work students Alicia Ore and Kelly MacLachlan who worked tirelessly to develop the materials. Click to watch the film or download materials.

Through innovative avenues such as in-flight entertainment with Alaska Airlines, community viewing events, and the creation of valuable resources, “Winning at All Costs” is reaching new heights. As the film continues to gain momentum, we’re growing our impact and making a more supportive, empathetic, and healthy environment for our young athletes.

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